Tuesday, May 26, 2009

HB 635, relating to the authority of the TEA to seek,... and distribute grants available for public education, passed the Senate 5/26/09

HB 635, relating to the authority of the TEA to seek,... and distribute grants available for public education, passed the Senate 5/26/09

SB 382, relating to a competitive grant program to fund promotion of early literacy programs in certain communities, passed Sen Higher Ed Com, 5/19

SB 382, relating to a competitive grant program to fund promotion of early literacy programs in certain communities, passed Sen Higher Ed Com, 5/19

Friday, May 22, 2009

HB 130, TECEC PRIORITY BILL, relating to full-day high-quality pre-k programs, has passed Senate Ed. Comm. 5/21/09!

HB 130, TECEC PRIORITY BILL, relating to full-day high-quality pre-k programs, has passed Senate Ed. Comm. 5/21/09!

SB 81, relating to certain providers of subsidized child care, Place on the Gen. Calendar 5/21/09SB 81, relating to certain providers of subsidized ch

SB 81, relating to certain providers of subsidized child care, placed on the General State Calendar 5/21/09

SB 1730, relating to minimum training standards for employees of certain child-care facilities, report sent to Calendars 5/21/09

SB 1730, relating to minimum training standards for employees of certain child-care facilities, report sent to Calendars 5/21/09

Thursday, May 21, 2009

HB 635, relating to the authority of the TEA to seek,... and distribute grants available for public education, placed on Sen. intent calendar. 5/21

HB 635, relating to the authority of the TEA to seek,... and distribute grants available for public education, placed on Sen. intent calendar. 5/21/ 2009

HB 1240, relating to information required to be provided to parents of an infant, sent to the Gov. 5/19/2009

HB 1240, relating to information required to be provided to parents of an infant, sent to the Gov. 5/19/2009

SB 81, relating to certain providers of subsidized child care, placed on the general state calendar 5/21/2009

SB 81, relating to certain providers of subsidized child care, placed on the general state calendar 5/21/2009

SB 382, relating to a competitive grant program to fund promotion of early literacy programs in certain communities, reported favorably 5/19/2009

SB 382, relating to a competitive grant program to fund promotion of early literacy programs in certain communities, reported favorably out of the House Committee on Higher Education 5/19/2009

SB 451, relating to staff development requirements in public schools, passed the House 5/20/2009

SB 451, relating to staff development requirements in public schools, passed the House 5/20/2009

SB 1730, relating to minimum training standards for employees of certain child-care facilities, reported favorably 5/20/2009

SB 1730, relating to minimum training standards for employees of certain child-care facilities, reported favorably out of the House Committee on Human Services 5/20/2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

HB 635, relating to the authority of the TEA to seek,... and distribute grants available for public education, reported favorably out of Comm. 5/15/09

HB 635, relating to the authority of the TEA to seek,... and distribute grants available for public education, reported favorably out of Comm. 5/15/09

SB 68, relating to licensing and inspection requirements of DFPS for certain facilities and homes..., passed the House 5/19/2009

SB 68, relating to licensing and inspection requirements of DFPS for certain facilities and homes..., passed the House 5/19/2009

SB 81, relating to certain providers of subsidized child care, report sent to Calendars Committee 5/19/2009

SB 81, relating to certain providers of subsidized child care, report sent to Calendars Committee 5/19/2009

SB 572, relating to transportation safety training requirements for certain child-care providers, passed the House 5/19/2009

SB 572, relating to transportation safety training requirements for certain child-care providers, passed the House 5/19/2009

SB 1722, relating to creating an account to promote continuing education for certain child care providers, placed on the Sen. intent Calendar 5/19/09

SB 1722, relating to creating an account to promote continuing education for certain child care providers, placed on the Sen. intent Calendar 5/19/09

Thursday, May 14, 2009

HB 429, relating to a competitive grant program to fund promotion of early literacy programs in certain communities, placed on Gen. Calendar 5/14/2009

HB 429, relating to a competitive grant program to fund promotion of early literacy programs in certain communities, placed on Gen. Calendar 5/14/2009

HB 1240, relating to information required to be provided to parents of an infant, passed the Senate 5/14/2009

HB 1240, relating to information required to be provided to parents of an infant, passed the Senate 5/14/2009

Full Text: http://www.legis.state.tx.us/tlodocs/81R/billtext/html/HB01240S.htm

SB 382, relating to a competitive grant program to fund promotion of early literacy programs in certain communities, referred to the Hou. Higher Ed.

SB 382, relating to a competitive grant program to fund promotion of early literacy programs in certain communities, referred to the House Committee on Higher Ed. 5/13/2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

HB 130, TECEC PRIORITY BILL, relating to full-day high-quality pre-k programs, will likely be heard in Sen. Education on 5/14/2009

HB 130, TECEC PRIORITY BILL, relating to full-day high-quality pre-k programs, will likely be heard in Sen. Education on 5/14/2009.

SB 81, relating to certain providers of subsidized child care, reported favorably out of committee 5/7/2009

SB 81, relating to certain providers of subsidized child care, reported favorably out of the House Committee on Human Services 5/7/2009

Full Text: http://www.legis.state.tx.us/tlodocs/81R/billtext/html/SB00081E.htm

SB 382, relating to a competitive grant program to fund promotion of early literacy programs in certain communities, passed the Senate 5/11/09

SB 382, relating to a competitive grant program to fund promotion of early literacy programs in certain communities, passed the Senate 5/11/09

Full Text: http://www.legis.state.tx.us/tlodocs/81R/billtext/html/SB00382E.htm

HB 1240, relating to information required to be provided to parents of an infant, placed on the Senate Calendar for 5/14/09

HB 1240, relating to information required to be provided to parents of an infant, placed on the Senate Calendar for 5/14/09

Full Text: http://www.legis.state.tx.us/tlodocs/81R/billtext/html/HB01240S.htm

HB 4202, relating to creating an account to promote continuing education for certain child care providers, sent to Calendars 4/28/09

HB 4202, relating to creating an account to promote continuing education for certain child care providers, sent to Calendars 4/28/09

Full Text: http://www.legis.state.tx.us/tlodocs/81R/billtext/html/HB04202H.htm

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

SB 1730, relating to minimum training standards for employees of certain child-care facilities, passed the Senate 5/5/2009

SB 1730 has been passed by the Senate.

Full Text: http://www.legis.state.tx.us/BillLookup/History.aspx?LegSess=81R&Bill=SB1730

SB 1722, relating to creating an account to promote continuing education for certain child care providers, reported favorably 5/5/2009

SB 1722 has been reported favorably out of committee.

Companion Bill: HB 4202

Full Text: http://www.legis.state.tx.us/BillLookup/History.aspx?LegSess=81R&Bill=SB1722

HB 1240, relating to information required to be provided to parents of an infant, reported favorably 5/5/2009

HB 1240 has been reported favorably out of the Senate Health & Human Services Committee.

Full Text: http://www.legis.state.tx.us/BillLookup/History.aspx?LegSess=81R&Bill=HB1240

HB 635, relating to the authority of the TEA to seek,... and distribute grants avialable for public education, referred to Senate Committee 5/4/2009

HB 635 has been referred to the Senate Education Committee.

Full Text: http://www.legis.state.tx.us/BillLookup/History.aspx?LegSess=81R&Bill=HB635

HB 601, relating to licensing requirements of DFPS for certain facilities and homes providing child care, referred to Senate Committee 5/4/2009

HB 601 has been referred to the Senate Health & Human Services Committee.

Companion Bill: SB 773

Full Text: http://www.legis.state.tx.us/BillLookup/History.aspx?LegSess=81R&Bill=HB601

HB 429, relating to a competitive grant program to fund promotion of early literacy programs in certain communities, reported favorably 5/4/2009

HB 429 was reported favorably out of committee.

Companion Bill: SB 382

Full Text: http://www.legis.state.tx.us/BillLookup/History.aspx?LegSess=81R&Bill=HB429

Friday, May 1, 2009

SB 451, relating to staff development requirements in public schools, scheduled for public hearing 5/5/2009

SB 451 will be heard by the House Committee on Public Education on 5/5/2009. The hearing will take place upon the final adjourn of the House in room E2.036.

Companion Bill: HB 511

Full Text: http://www.legis.state.tx.us/BillLookup/History.aspx?LegSess=81R&Bill=SB451

HB 601, relating to licensing requirements of DFPS for certain facilities and homes providing child care, passed the House 4/30/2009

HB 601 has passed the House with a vote of 144-0 (with 1 not voting).

Companion Bill: SB 773

Full Text: http://www.legis.state.tx.us/BillLookup/History.aspx?LegSess=81R&Bill=HB601